Digital Marketing News

Technology is a fast-changing environment and digital marketing is a part of it. Companies need to stay up-to-date at any time to be successful with their marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing News

Over the last few weeks I have found some high-quality sources for Digital Marketing News to stay informed about what happens in the world of SEO, Social Media and all the others.

Search Engine Watch

The first website is Search Engine Watch. It provides a wide range of coverage of everything going on in Digital Marketing. Additionally, to offering breaking news and appropriate content, it also provides analysis of developing trends.

Online Marketing

Online Marketing is a decent German website which offers a wide range of news and tips about SEO, Social Media, Advertising, etc. It is a reliable source including a dictionary explaining the most important words and terms of the Digital Marketing World when needed.

Social Media Today

This website is always among the first to report about what is going on in the social media world. Social Media Today includes a wide range of content outside its news reporting, it is an essential helper with latest updates.

KISSmetrics blog

The KISSmetrics blog publishes very charming marketing content. From how to leverage emotions to increase email signups to optimizing your landing pages, everyone can find something useful on this blog.


Mashable is one of the giants of Internet publishing with some of the best marketing news content out there. In terms of news on developments in social media, this site is rough to beat.

This is just a small selection of Digital Marketing News sites and rather objective, have a look by yourself and feel free to comment your favourite news sites below.

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