Why You Should Use Social Media For Your Business

There was a time when many people considered social media as a passing trend and said that businesses could never really benefit from it. These people were proven wrong. Now, over 3.4 billion people use the internet and over 2.3 billion of them have active social media accounts.

social media for business

Social media platforms have become marketing giants, you can use it to communicate with fans and customers, get feedback, promote specials, increase the PR reach, publish short information and news about your brand. Most users are online for hours, read a lot of content and share a variety of information in their network, which is a benefit for your brand.

The variation of channels offers various possibilities and establishing an extensive social media strategy is crucial for businesses nowadays, here are some reasons why:

  • Employer branding and brand positioning are made simple.
  • The recruiting process becomes easier, organisations that are active on social media are already more attractive as employers for young professionals
  • Target groups can be reached and served with contents easily, fast, and cheap, content can be spread widely through an increasing reach and new target groups can be revealed
  • High quality content and constant publishing lead to customer loyalty
  • Customer support is less complicated, issues and complaints can be dealt fast and visibly
  • The dialogue with the customer will be enabled and leads to a long-term relationship through exchange of information
  • Questions can be answered directly and publicly, which reduces their recurrence
  • Feedback of fans reaches the organisation directly and can also lead to new product ideas
  • The market launch of new products can be accompanied and supported perfectly

Social Media is viral, use it to encourage your audience to talk about your brand and the experiences with your product and to share your content in their network. The core of social media is the exchange of information and experience in a network, if your content is ‘shared’ or ‘retweeted’ by one person, it will be also shown in the stream of the friends of their friends – and a Nielsen-Study shows that 90% trust the recommendations of friends and acquaintances and 70% also consider online recommendations as credible.

You are not convinced yet? Find more reasons here or advantages here.

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