Author Archives: b00093182

Successful Digital Campaigns

Nowadays, over 3.4 billion people use the internet and over 2.3 billion have active social media accounts. For companies, it gets more and more important to use websites, social media platforms, email, and blogs for marketing. However, not every campaign is successful.

Successful Digital Campaigns

Here are some crucial things that need to be done:

  • Consumers want a consistent, personalized, and on-brand experience regardless of the channel. It is important to provide a seamless retail experience and to be mindful of your brand and messaging when designing your landing page to see the best success, (Accenture, 2013)
  • As more users than ever are using tablets and mobile phones to browse the Internet, your landing pages need to be responsive to what device a user is coming from to ensure the best possible user experience. Nielsen (2012) reports that 29% of smartphone owners have used their device for online shopping and the number will increase as it offers better user experience
  • 74% of online consumers get frustrated when content (offers, ads, promotions) appears on websites that has nothing to do with their interests, (Janrain, 2013). A personalized user experienceis significant; users who browse or land on a certain landing page should only get ads consistent with their likes, preferences, and geographic location to have a smooth and much more targeted user experience.
  • As landing page design becomes more complex and competitive, website owners need to look more at the psychology behind web users to design more effective landing pages. It is all about using buyer psychology to create the best possible experience. Organisations literally need to get inside the heads of their visitors.

It is all about staying up to date in Digital Marketing, as it is a fast changing environment

You want to see more about it? Hubspot has established 12 Critical Building Blocks to a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign in 2017

And to see some successful digital marketing campaigns, the Business Insider and the Digital Marketing Institute have prepare some good examples.

Digital Marketing News

Technology is a fast-changing environment and digital marketing is a part of it. Companies need to stay up-to-date at any time to be successful with their marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing News

Over the last few weeks I have found some high-quality sources for Digital Marketing News to stay informed about what happens in the world of SEO, Social Media and all the others.

Search Engine Watch

The first website is Search Engine Watch. It provides a wide range of coverage of everything going on in Digital Marketing. Additionally, to offering breaking news and appropriate content, it also provides analysis of developing trends.

Online Marketing

Online Marketing is a decent German website which offers a wide range of news and tips about SEO, Social Media, Advertising, etc. It is a reliable source including a dictionary explaining the most important words and terms of the Digital Marketing World when needed.

Social Media Today

This website is always among the first to report about what is going on in the social media world. Social Media Today includes a wide range of content outside its news reporting, it is an essential helper with latest updates.

KISSmetrics blog

The KISSmetrics blog publishes very charming marketing content. From how to leverage emotions to increase email signups to optimizing your landing pages, everyone can find something useful on this blog.


Mashable is one of the giants of Internet publishing with some of the best marketing news content out there. In terms of news on developments in social media, this site is rough to beat.

This is just a small selection of Digital Marketing News sites and rather objective, have a look by yourself and feel free to comment your favourite news sites below.

Why You Should Use Social Media For Your Business

There was a time when many people considered social media as a passing trend and said that businesses could never really benefit from it. These people were proven wrong. Now, over 3.4 billion people use the internet and over 2.3 billion of them have active social media accounts.

social media for business

Social media platforms have become marketing giants, you can use it to communicate with fans and customers, get feedback, promote specials, increase the PR reach, publish short information and news about your brand. Most users are online for hours, read a lot of content and share a variety of information in their network, which is a benefit for your brand.

The variation of channels offers various possibilities and establishing an extensive social media strategy is crucial for businesses nowadays, here are some reasons why:

  • Employer branding and brand positioning are made simple.
  • The recruiting process becomes easier, organisations that are active on social media are already more attractive as employers for young professionals
  • Target groups can be reached and served with contents easily, fast, and cheap, content can be spread widely through an increasing reach and new target groups can be revealed
  • High quality content and constant publishing lead to customer loyalty
  • Customer support is less complicated, issues and complaints can be dealt fast and visibly
  • The dialogue with the customer will be enabled and leads to a long-term relationship through exchange of information
  • Questions can be answered directly and publicly, which reduces their recurrence
  • Feedback of fans reaches the organisation directly and can also lead to new product ideas
  • The market launch of new products can be accompanied and supported perfectly

Social Media is viral, use it to encourage your audience to talk about your brand and the experiences with your product and to share your content in their network. The core of social media is the exchange of information and experience in a network, if your content is ‘shared’ or ‘retweeted’ by one person, it will be also shown in the stream of the friends of their friends – and a Nielsen-Study shows that 90% trust the recommendations of friends and acquaintances and 70% also consider online recommendations as credible.

You are not convinced yet? Find more reasons here or advantages here.

Data Privacy

The proper protection of data privacy is a complex task that requires a careful analysis of what actually has to be kept private – Vimercati

Data Privacy

Technology has evolved exponentially over the last decade and has completely changed our lives. A variety of services and information can be accessed anywhere at any time using any device with an internet connection. While this situation has definitely involved huge benefits, it has also a crucial impact on users’ privacy and increased our need to protect private information. In fact, an increasing amount of personal information is collected, used, shared, and spread, including demographic and medical data, local information, emails, photos, and videos.

Devices that we use daily contain information that is essential to our lives, and possibly nothing contains as much information as an individual’s smartphone.

Sensitive information like addresses and phone numbers, passwords, account numbers, email, voicemail, and text message logs.

The amount of data that is stored on your phone and the consequences of having some or all of the data used by another person or an unauthorized company is nothing that an individual would like to experience.

The problem of ensuring proper protection to users’ privacy is urgent as privacy may have different forms: certain information about users should be kept private, the identity of users should be protected, and users’ actions should not be traceable.

Want to know some more?